Many of our daily habits have been temporarily altered due to the Covid-19 pandemic. A rise in uncertainty and anxiety has hit most of us pretty hard, to say the least. It is important that we stay calm during this time. Many of us have made the transition from working in our offices to working from home. In the midst of all of this, there a a few simple steps that can be taken to make you feel (somewhat) normal while staying in (to stay healthy). Here's what you can do:
1. Update your to-do list every morning

Keeping track of your daily "to-do's" could become difficult when you are working from home and your boss isn't physically keeping watch. Keeping a #Todo list could help you manage priorities, deadlines, and tasks. Remember to set goals and deadlines for completing tasks - once completed, cross it off the list and move on to the next task.
Using a planner helps you keep track of your daily tasks and stay focused.
2. Use a planner

In addition to your daily checklists, use of a #planner can help you track and maintain your daily assignments and tasks. A planner serves as a visual tool that can psychologically keep you focused and help you stay on schedule. Make it your own by personalizing it to fit your personality and style.
Whether you are working from home or in the office, using a planner helps you keep log of all activities and tasks.
3. Get out of your PJs

Ladies, Ladies, is the perfect time to try on that blouse that you always wanted to wear but never had a chance to. Now is the time to try that hair style you've always wanted to try. Put some effort into your "fit" for the day, put on some makeup or lipgloss, whatever makes you feel fabulous, even if you are working from home. Having on something nice but comfortable will help promote #productivity. When you look good, you feel good- that's a fact!
Dress for success, even while working from home.
4. Develop a morning routine

Develop a daily routine, don't just wing it by day. Create a plan for the days. Think about what goals you want to achieve on a day-to-day basis and stick to that plan. You can still be creative and switch up the routine per day so that it feels more exciting, rather than forced task.
For example, set a routine for Mondays and Wednesdays, while you have a different routine for Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
Get up early, get ready, and eat breakfast as if you would if you were going to work.
5. Exercise and stretch daily

Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine goes such a long way. Research shows that physical activity can lead to psychological benefits such as increased self-esteem and can naturally boost endorphins.
Physical activity can lead to reduced feelings of stress, prevent anxiety and feelings of depression, and improve sleep.
Working from home allows us the comfortability of being able to do activities in our own homes, which allows for more creativity. Incorporate quick exercises and stretches into your short breaks.
6. Eat healthy meals and snacks

#Quarantine snacking has gotten the best of all, if not most of us. I know I keep running to the kitchen every hour just to grab a snack. That's completely fine, as long as you are adding some healthy meals and snacks into that daily menu. More time in the house has caused a lot of us to become creative in the kitchen. We can also be creative with preparing our snacks to ensure we are staying #healthy. Snacknation provides some easy and healthy recipes that you and your family can enjoy at home.
If you are a habitual snacker like myself, incorporate healthy snacks or a healthy lunch to get the brain cells flowing and energy up.
7. Develop a rewards system
Treat yourself, don't cheat yourself! This is a simple way to motivate yourself to get things

done effectively, productively, and in a timely manner. For every 5 tasks completed, #reward yourself to something, well... rewarding. Whether that is a 10 minute break to do a quick workout, online shop, or grab a healthy snack, by all means, reward yourself. During these times it is especially important that we are gentle with ourselves, and this reward system can help us be #optimistic.
A rewards system will give you the motivation you need to get things done and provide a sense of fulfillment when all duties are met.
8. Utilize video chat
Stay connected with your colleagues, manager, or friends while complying with social distancing constraints. Instead of participating in check-in calls, ask to participate via Zoom. If you are a manager or the colleague that leads these meetings, create a Zoom call and encourage participants to utilize their webcams. Due to #socialdistancing guidelines, we no longer have those in-person interactions that we are used to. Utilizing video chat will psychologically help us stay connected and feel like we are still getting some type of social, face-to-face interaction.
Video chat is a simple way to stay connected with your team when meeting regularly. Get creative when possible. lighten up your meeting by having a theme or implementing ice-breakers.

9. Take short breaks

It might sound ironic that this post is about how to foster productivity while suggesting that you take short breaks. Despite the fact that this might sound counterproductive, research has actually shown that short breaks can restore creativity and heighten productivity. Use this breakdown to help regenerate your brain. Utilize this time to grab a healthy snack, do a quick stretch or exercise, get some fresh air outside (as long as it is in the constraint of social distancing), even FaceTime your friend or loved one quickly. Work-life balance is a bit more difficult to manage during this time, especially since our home and work lives are currently intertwined.
Incorporate 5-10 minute breaks into your daily routine or incorporate this into your rewards system.
10. Create a vision board

It is important that we keep ourselves motivated and inspired due to staying home because of the Covid-19 pandemic. A vision board is a great way to keep you #motivated and ultimately...#inspired. If you need assistance on how to get started, there are many online resources that can help you get started. See how to create an empowering vision board if you need inspiration.
Create your vision board- fill it up with goals and aspirations and use this as inspiration everyday.
Now is the time to look inward and think about how you want to emerge coming out of this crisis. Find ways throughout this time to find your motivation and inspiration. Use these 10 simple tips, or create some tips of your own to help guide you through this time.
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