Here at Black Girl Digital, we have seen the influencer marketing space to be ever-growing, but have yet to see it fully submerged into diversity. Multiple trend reports mention marketing spending will decrease in 2023 due to the recession. However, we believe that just because marketing spending is projected to decrease, doesn’t mean spend on diverse marketing should come to a halt. Quite the opposite should be happening - budgets should increase across multicultural spending. With that being said, our team uses influencer marketing specifically to launch diverse campaigns! Here’s why and how:

First, you must know that according to Sprout Social, “People expect the companies they follow to take a stand, gravitating toward brands that match their values.” The influencer marketing space continues to evolve and grow and it doesn’t show signs of stopping. We’ve carried out campaigns with the foundation of diversity to drive high engagement, produce notable cultural moments and increase sales and ultimate brand awareness. Additionally, we believe it empowers intersectionality, which results in your brand being integrated authentically into the homes of multiple cultures with diverse experiences.
With that in mind, here are our 5 quick tips for launching a diverse influencer marketing campaign:
Know Desired Outcome - Establish your campaign goals, objectives, and KPIs. Be clear and very transparent about what you hope to achieve by working this diverse creator.
Messaging - Clearly communicate with the key messaging points for the campaign, whether it's via caption, voiceover, video, or image.
Research - Take your time to identify who you want to represent your brand. This is critical to the success of your campaign! Also, pay attention to trends, and culturally relevant topics that can help or negatively affect your overall campaign strategy.
Deliverables - Provide clarity on what you want the creator to execute. At the very least, they should receive directions or briefings on the number of assets and what type of deliverables.
Contracting - Be transparent and fair within your agreement. Don't sneak in terms like "perpetuity" or "usage rights" right before the campaign launches. It is beneficial to include all deliverables, deadlines, and usage/exclusivity in the agreement, among other things.
BONUS TIP - Build relationships! When working in a field combined with customer service, deadlines, deliverables, and so much more; it is imperative that you make it more than a business transaction. It is great to build something that is sustainable!

All in all, launching a campaign through the utilization of influencer marketing must be intentional and stem from the inside out! Most importantly, diversity shouldn’t be overcomplicated. A simple approach to your thought process can be: Black people are humans too. I would love to see how my brand can be integrated into their day-to-day life and shared with their audience.
Need help with your strategy? Contact an expert here at Black Girl Digital by emailing info@blackgirldigital.com
Image credits (in order): ASOS Go Play Campaign (2017); MOSAIK Skincare Brand ; Daily Paper FW18 Campaign