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Celebrating Mother's Day | 7 Influential Mompreneurs Leading Personally and Professionally

As Mother's Day approaches, I couldn't find enough words to fully encapsulate the value of a mother's love. I automatically thought of words like strength, brave, caring, everlasting, exuberant, protective, and powerful...yet, that still was not enough. I chose to share a powerful poem by the notable Maya Angelou called, Mother: a Cradle to Hold Me. It goes like this:

It is true

I was created in you.

It is also true

That you were created for me.

I owned your voice.

It was shaped and tuned to soothe me.

Your arms were molded

Into a cradle to hold me, to rock me.

The scent of your body was the air

Perfumed for me to breathe.


During those early, dearest days

I did not dream that you had

A larger life which included me,

Among your other concerns,

For I had a life

Which was only you.

-Maya Angelou

On this day and every other day, we celebrate motherhood and all the hard work that comes with it. Black Girl Digital got the inside scoop about how 7 #Mompreneurs stay motivated and how they are managing #motherhood during the COVID-19 crisis while staying on top of their professional careers. Here is what each of them said:

LaToya Shambo | @latoyashambo

What keeps you motivated? 

The bigger picture. Knowing that I am building something greater than myself. Black Girl Digital is not about me, it's about the impact long after I am gone. I want to build a legacy that my daughter will be proud of, and I want to leave her an option to take it over or put someone in place to keep it growing. 

How are you managing parenting/work during COVID? 

Prioritization - WINE, WORK...I mean...Homeschool, WINE...Then work...LOL - I'm kidding (somewhat). I try to keep my daughter on her schedule as much as I can. I also keep my wine intake on a schedule as much as I can too!!! In the beginning, it was tough but I have to exercise discipline so now I only drink wine on the weekends. This way I keep all the projects moving and my mind clear. I meditate a lot too. It helps me focus. 

Lashawnda | @agirlnamedl

What keeps me motivated - Knowing that my kids are always watching. There's also something very motivating when my daughter tells me she wants to be like me. With that, I have to give a great example for her to pattern after.

Steps to maintaining during Covid-19 - WINE and sleep LOL. With the new role as "teacher" for virtual school, ME time is important. 

Rakia Reynolds | @rakiareynolds

I’m an optimist so beautiful weather (the sun shining) helps me to imagine positive outcomes of my day before it even starts.

I’m managing/ parenting by having a good balance between structure and schedules and also letting my children relax. I want them to look back at this time as a moment where mom was home a lot more, they were well rested, and happy with one another rather than having to recall the trauma of living through a pandemic.

Lena Danielle | @lenahuggs

My daughter motivates me. I want her to be better than me. I want to be the example for her that my mother is for me.

Managing parenting during COVID is different. A schedule is important. It’s hard to keep. The key is to have targets you want to hit during the day...even if the time shifts a little focus on completing them. Since things are guaranteed to come up that may shift focus, I have learned to be flexible. Do not stress just try again the next day.

Jaselle Watkins | @jazzling

My son definitely keeps me motivated. There’s no slacking off when there is someone who solely depends on you. He’s my priority and helps keep me in line mentally, physically, spiritually and financially.

Managing parenting/work has been challenging during COVID. I’m currently shut down so I’ve been working on other streams of income and brainstorming ways to expand my brand. I have to do that all while maintaining an energetic 3 year old! I had to rework his entire schedule being that schools are closed. It was overwhelming at first but we have a pretty good work and play balance. Hopefully this will be over soon. I’m sure he misses social activities with his friends.

Barbara Burnett | @brye858

What keeps me motivated is my family and the legacy that they will have because of my efforts. I came from very humble beginnings and that keeps me fueled to not only provide but to be a part of a lasting legacy that will change the way WE as black women are seen in the world. I want the youth around me to continue to be inspired, that is what keeps me going. 

Parenting during COVID19 is...challenging but a blessing to say the least. For so many years I have wanted to be able to spend this kind of time with my children. Now, I am with them ALL of the time. With three sons (7, 5 and 2) there are many moments where the plan needs to pivot and there are many long nights and early mornings. These days, I find myself feeling so blessed that we are healthy and safe. 

Ria McKenzie | @rezzy_18

Being a mother means you’re constantly overwhelmed by either emotions or responsibility. You feel love and joy like you never had before. You also have a sense of responsibility and selflessness like you’ve never had before. Put in simple words; it changes and enhances you. You start to see all the possibilities in the world through your children’s eyes, and it makes you want to be the kindest and most generous version of yourself, so that your children can look up to you. You become all consumed with how to better yourself to better your children. So in essence, my children motivates me to be the person I can be their role model.

The only way for a mom to manage parenting and working during Covid-19 is to make time for self. My tip to all moms is that you need to take care of yourself to better take care of your family

You run your household whether you believe it or not. If you're not good; no one else in the house will be good. You need to stay on top of your self-care despite whats going on in the world. For me that means to meditate, exercise, eat healthy, and make time for the things that make you happy (WITHOUT FEELING GUILTY!). You get more done this way, and a happier you means a happier family. 

These women are amazing and are examples of the beauty of motherhood.

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, to all the amazing mothers that wake up every day and do everything that needs to be done for their families, and embody the ultimate act of selflessness constantly.

We celebrate the mothers who may not be present in the body, but their spirit still lives on to lift us up and protect us from harm daily. To all the mothers from past generations, we thank you for paving the way and shining your light.

We celebrate you on Mother's Day and every other day!

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Renelle Davis - Black Girl Digital Writer

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